Pool Cleaning Robot
FEATURES Sand filter tank are made of fiber glass wound from reinfored plastic molded.Excellent stability ensure the filter’s wearability, preservative and impact resistance. The unique distribution design equalize steady water flow and high efficiency drainage culverts. Easy to install,repair and maintenance. Turbidity less than 2degrees.
尊敬的供应商&客户: 首先,我们衷心感谢您长期以来对本公司的大力支持与配合。 因业务发展需要,本公司决定自 [2024年10月9日] 起,搬迁至新的办公地址。 新地址位于:深圳市福田保税区桃花路1号福保物流大厦5B1-03,联系电话为:[0755-6668 8910]。 如有任何疑问或需要进一步的信息,请...